Tag Archives | Lynn U Watson Writer


Sunflowers Blooming through Extremes of Heat and Drought

[evp_embed_video url=”https://lynnuwatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/IMG_0814.mov” preload=”auto” autoplay=”true” muted=”true” loop=”true”] As I write this, Hurricane Ida has pummeled New Orleans and makes her way north and east. High winds and heavy rain bring a stark contrast to the baking heat the past weeks. While most of my flowers have wilted, my dwarf sunflower plant flourished. It thrived in the […]

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Skyline of the Old City at the Western Wall and Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel.

Seraphim Worshipping Shook the Foundation – Earthquakes Could Not Topple It

NOTE: 2.25.23. I first wrote this post many years ago. In light of the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, it seems very appropriate to share it again. Tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, ice storms, blizzards – all accompanied by waves of destruction of property. Buildings constructed to last are bent like toothpicks. Decades-old trees topple. […]

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Reflection and Reflexion – Speaking Up for Life and for the Unborn

I’m passionately Pro-Life! My profession is reflexology. It’s another of my passions, and it’s a calling. Within the art and science of reflexology, reflexologists see the whole body as a mirror-image mapped on the foot. The reflexology link above takes you to my website where you can learn more about that. I earned an additional […]

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Yay! Kudos for The Essence of Humility

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! The Essence of Humility (via Celebrate Lit) toured 20 blogs over the last two weeks! Each of the bloggers spent their time reading and reviewing the book. How humbling. And they left so many great comments. A few are shared below. If I included all the kudos, the post […]

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Tablecloth embroidered by my grandmother

A Humble Background Enhances Our Acts of Love

Come Take a Sneak Peak Into The Essence of Humility . . . The Essence of Flax in the Bible Botanical Name: Linum usitatissimum; all portions of the plant used for clothing, food, and more; native to the Fertile Crescent (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Cyprus, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Egypt, southeastern Turkey and western Iran) My grandmother knew […]

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Greet Others with the Aroma of Christ

Aromas immediately transport us to good memories – and bad ones. My grandmother baked most yummy cinnamon streusel coffee cakes every week. Definitely reminiscent of a wonderful memory, the aroma of cinnamon immediately transports me to her kitchen and the desire to spend time with her again. On the other hand, the stench of stale […]

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From “The Essence of Courage” – Cinnamon Goodness

What follows is an excerpt from Chapter 6: Cinnamon/Goodness from The Essence of Courage. Two previous devotional readings in this chapter pointed to cinnamon representing the fruit of the Spirit: Goodness. God led me to choose Eve as the woman of the Bible displaying this fruit in her life. Thank you for keeping that in […]

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Encourage Others: Share Your Stories for “The Essence of Humility”

For those who have read The Essence of Joy, you know Volume 3 in Cinnamah-Brosia’s Inspirational Collection was presented as The Essence of Love coming in 2018. Creating a list from 1 Corinthians 13 of all the things “love is,” guess what? Every one of them whispered the word “humility” into my spirit. And. . […]

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