December 23, 2019. Amazing rainbow. Today the granddaughters and I will prepare a birthday cake for Baby Jesus — one of our annual traditions. Yes, I’ve backed up from the previous post. The day began with a series of mishaps. Here’s one:
I set the oven, prepared the pan, mixed the cake, and poured it in the pan. So far so good? NOT!
I had, indeed, greased the pan, but had not floured it. Pouring the batter back into the bowl while I cleaned the pan and prepared it again with the flour — a logical next step.
I sat the batter bowl in the larger side of the sink, while I rinsed the pan in the smaller side. OOPS! water was running into the batter. After scooping and straining as much water as possible from the bowl, I poured the remainder into the now greased and floured pan. Now it was really half a layer. Didn’t seem my best to offer Jesus.
The plan: pick the girls up at 10 AM to decorate the cake. My daughter called at 9:30. “Mom, are you getting the girls.”
“Why, yes, but we said 10. I headed to their home early.
Backing out of the garage on this sunny day, tiny sprinkles of rain spattered my windshield like stars. “This is a strange atmospheric mix. There must be a rainbow somewhere.”
As I turned the corner off our street this full horizon-to-horizon rainbow filled the sky. In one spot (no photo op place to stop) every color showed so distinctly it was almost like a child’s crayon picture of one stripe on top of another. This God-wonder hung around for the next 10-15 minutes. I arrived at their home earlier than planned and called my daughter and grand-daughters to come quickly. By 10 it would have been gone.
We decorated the cake. We sang the birthday song to Jesus. We were blessed by His handiwork. His far outshined ours. He gifted it to us as we prepared for His birthday.
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands.
~Psalm 19:1
My bit-weary heart was greatly refueled. Not to dwarf the significance of the greatest gift — God’s Son come to earth to die for our sins — we basked in the fullness of His glorious rainbow.
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Copyright 2020, Lynn U. Watson