Essence of Courage Book #1

This first volume in a series of inspirational collections for women will take you on a journey of adventure and exploration in a secret place. Discover the key to Solomon’s locked garden. Breathe in the fragrant aromas, and gather the spices and essential oils of an abundant harvest as he attributes their essences to the woman he has chosen as his bride.
• You’ll uncover the fruit of the Spirit when you cultivate them in your heart.
• You’ll focus on women of the Bible whose lives reflect the fruit.
• In spite of everyday messiness and challenges of life, Cinnamah-Brosia and her friends (you’ll meet them on the pages of this book, too) courageously use these essences to season the world around them with an overflowing measure of Jesus.
• You’ll find fun facts about the spices and essential oils, along with ways for you to enjoy incorporating reminders of the fruit they represent into your life.
Grab a cup of coffee, along with some friends, and come find courage to face life with gusto.
~~Johnnie Alexander, Award-winning author, Where Treasure Hides, Where She Belongs, When Love Arrives
Before reading The Essence of Courage I never ever saw the connection between the fruit of the spirit and Proverbs 31, and certainly not real fruit/essential oils! This has indeed been enlightening in a fun, fragrant, and fruitful way. Definitely made me ponder the connections and thank God for how He so masterfully connects EVERYTHING He does with such intentionality.
Cinnamah-Brosia is real, she’s been tested, she has been blessed by the wisdom and love of her grandmother, who both taught and modeled biblical truths. She shares her own wisdom and love, embodies the Proverbs 31 woman, and is maturing into a Titus 2 woman!
~~Karen Spencer, Titus 2 Women’s Ministry, Renewal Church, Memphis, Tennessee
I LOVE this book. I’m stunned at Lynn’s creativity and knowledge. It is one of the most unique books I’ve had the privilege to read. It’s so fresh, interesting, captivating, and inspired.
~~Jeanne Newberry, Pastor’s Wife, Bellevue Arlington, Satellite church of Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee
I am on Thanksgiving break this week, and I am visiting my in-laws in Kentucky on their 150 acres of land. It is so beautiful here, and I have treasured my quiet time with my coffee, reading the book and enjoying the beautiful sites around me. I loved the Essence Droplets. Lynn shared a lot of fun activities and great information. During that part of the book, I felt like I was reading an Experimental Devotional. Lynn is an incredibly gifted writer. I’m so grateful that she chose me as one of her early readers.
~~Jennifer Cavitt, Bartlett, Tennessee
I really like the book. It is very different, easy to read and it does draw me in. Also, the cover, I love. I would definitely recommend it and give it as a gift.
~~Sammy Gordy, Women’s Ministry Assistant, First West Church, West Monroe, Louisiana
This book is definitely for those of us who desire to go to a deeper level in our walk with Chirst. How the author intertwines the “essence” of oils with the fruit of the Spirit, and connects Galatians 5 with Proverbs 31 is incredibly amazing! I can’t wait to sit down with Jesus and a group of women and dig into our “locked gardens!”
~~Joyce Letcher, Bible study leader, retired nurse, Boise, Idaho
LOVE THIS DEVOTIONAL!!! This is the FIRST time my daughter actually wants to do a study with me, and I cannot say thank you enough for that.
~~Noelle Norton, Home School Mom
I’ve only begun to read this morning and I’m already all in!!! Lynn!!! Thank you for saying ‘Yes!’ to this God moment idea given you.
~~Sharron Baker, Bartlett, Tennessee
There are your bible studies, lectures, groups, homework… And then there is The Essence of Courage…! Kitchen tables and coffee and wonderful scents wafting thru the warmth of all your best friends talking and sharing their hearts. Everyone comes away with the courage that comes from experiencing the depths of God’s love in His word and in all our lives.
~~Robin Mokry, die-hard avoider of women’s groups | Boise, Idaho
Essence of Joy Book #2

Did you know: Many favorite holiday scents like cinnamon, citrus, and cedarwood are found in the Bible?
• There is a rich heart connection attached to many of the plant essences found in Scripture?
• Myrrh is such an important essence, we can follow its trail from Genesis to Revelation with many significant stops along the way?
• Women of the Bible have personal encounters with God bringing aromas of His love and joy into their lives?
• Palm branches are an important part of Biblical celebrations beginning in Genesis and ending in the ultimate beach party around the Crystal Sea? (Christmas at the beach, anyone?)
In The Essence of Joy you’ll meet women of the Bible and contemporary women like you and me who will encourage you to discover the refreshing essence of a life lived in the presence of Jesus. Let JOY fill your heart with the aromas of His nativity.
~~Patricia Bradley, author of the Logan Point Series and the Memphis Cold Case novels
A Must Read! In The Essence of Joy, Lynn Watson intertwines Scripture with the uses of oils and spices mentioned in the Bible. I was left with a feeling of wonder, a new way of looking at God’s word. The book is educational, entertaining, and uplifting. There’s history, fun-facts, even recipes. The author brings devotionals to a new level, giving biblical insight to the problems modern women encounter today.
The Essence of Joy is perfect for both bible study groups and those who are just starting out on their spiritual journey.
~~Jeri McBryde, Eight-Time Contributing Author to Chicken Soup for the Soul
It’s fascinating to follow how fragrances and spices were used in the Bible. These will have more meaning to me now. Some of these verses I’ve read time after time and haven’t noticed the connections. The simple traditions we take part in have so much history that I didn’t know.
~~Rhonda Moody, Women’s Ministry Associate, First West Church, West Monroe, LA
The Essence of Joy utilizes all five senses to bring the truths of God’s word to life. Watson weaves relatable stories that would appeal to the inexperienced Bible reader as well as life-long Christians. She reveals lesser known facts about Biblical scents that will enrich your study of the Bible. Great Read!!
~~Michelle Hammons, former Chairman Children’s Ministry Committee at Second Presbyterian Church (Memphis, TN), Bible Study Fellowship Small Group Leader, and Happy Christian Woman
Essence of Humility Book #3

We live in a culture overwhelmed with disrespect, egos, entitlement, rudeness, and offense — lives focused on self, rather than God or others.
The Bible defines love in 1 Corinthians 13. Every descriptive word included in the list whispers humility:
• Patience — humility
• Kindness — humility
• Not rude — humility
• Not arrogant — humility
• Rejoices in truth — humility
• Not envious or boastful — humility
• Not irritable — humility
• Keeps no record of wrong — humility
Jesus entered our world and walked among us. He placed no importance on rank or position. Jesus’ life reflected love because it reflected humility, and He invites us to live and love like Him.
Journey with our hostess, Cinnamah-Brosia and her friends at The Coffee Cottage. They lead us on a journey to meet real life people — our contemporaries and those on the pages of God’s word, who encountered the same real life challenges you and I face each day. Learn the blessings of a life lived like Jesus lived —- with love and humility.
~Patricia Bradley, Winner of Inspirational Readers Choice Award
Thank you for allowing me to be an early reader. I know this book on
humility is going to bless many. In Chapter 5, I was back on that bus
with you. Love how you tied in the Word. Just perfect.
~April Rodgers,
Owner, Reflecting Light Ministries,
When I read the text, I find myself slowing down. Breathing to enjoy
the complexities woven into the simplicity. The author’s passion as an
advocate for children – for humanity – leans us closer to the Father’s
~Amanda Priefer,
Advocate Manager (East Central), Compassion® International