Our Bible character friends wore mostly linen garments. Linen production begins with the humble and common flax plant. Do you remember Rahab (Joshua 2-6 in the Bible) hid the spies in the flax on her roof in Jericho? Her story reflects humble obedience to God. A writing highlight in The Essence of Humility came in the form of an interview with Rahab. So much fun to write – and to read! (Another shameless plug for the book — available through most booksellers and available in paperback and most digital formats.)
Uses for flax vary widely. Great fabric! Also, full of omega-3s means its full of good fats generally attributed to helping maintain good heart health.
So, how do you cook with flax? Ground flax may be added to hot or cold cereals, added to mayonnaise or mustard on your sandwich, used as an egg substitute, mixed into a smoothie or yogurt, baked into bread, and more. If you don’t already know, I bake bread all the time. Flaxseed provides a perfect addition to my recipe made with freshly ground flour, too.
Another option is to use them in these no-bake cookies. Chef Savvy offers a recipe for Peanut Butter Energy Bites. Treat your family to these healthy nibbles. Look around for other no-bake recipes like these and add ground flax seed to those, too. We even grind it up with whole coffee beans for our morning cup of Joe.
Copyright 2019, Lynn U. Watson