Wonderfully Heartwarming Story from Laurie Tomlinson

Just when you thought the story couldn’t take another turn, it did. Laurie Tomlinson created a wonderful setting with beautiful quirky characters. The story often pulls you right to the edge of your seat, biting your nails and all, yet she provides loads of fun and warms your heart! Many mistakes, guilt, forgiveness and redemption flow through the characters in this book. Does the ending indicate there is a sequel coming?  And, yes, I would love some of the recipes from Simone! Laurie, will you be sharing those? Highly recommend this debut novel!

Pretty excitied to help Laurie Tomlinson launch her novel, With No Reservations. The book will be available May 1st. Here’s a link to pre-order at Amazon.com

I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.




Copyright 2017, Lynn U. Watson




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