A Few of My Fave Christian Fiction Books of 2022

When you’ve read 64 books in a year and most of them really awesome, choosing a few favorites poses a challenge! A huge one! I’ve chosen 7 to share, and probably could add at least 7 more that I count among some of my fave reads. And here they are with a  sentence or three about each. Maybe you’ll find a new favorite read among them.

In no particular order….

  1. When Stone Wings Fly by Karen Barnett
  2. A precious and seldom heard part of the history of the Great Smokie Mountains National Park and of the families displaced in its creation are woven into a beautiful story spanning several generations. The heartbreaks are real. The story is beautifully told.







A Rumored Fortune by Joanna Davidson Politano
This book had been in my kindle library for a while, when I randomly chose to read it next. I loved how it fits the Biblical lessons of Jesus being the vine and we the branches, and what it takes to produce good fruit. Indeed a treasure awaits!







Not by Sight by Kate Breslin
This one checks all the boxes and will keep you up well past your bedtime with each twist and turn. The characters are amazing.







In a Far Off Land by Stephanie Landsem
A prodigal daughter with the best of intentions, the great depression, the lure of Hollywood, and what could possibly go wrong. Wow! Well-done! Great story! Great characters! Well-researched. Keeps you turning the pages!






Ezekiel’s Song by Naomi Craig
I really appreciated this one because I read it while also reading through the One Year Chronological Bible. My readings at the time were from Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and bits of Daniel. While Ezekiel’s Song is  fictional, the story brought a real human perspective to the stories in those books of the Bible. You’ll love Shiriel — she’s a very relatable character.






The Heart of the Mountains by Pepper Basham
I always count on Pepper Basham stories for their great characters and stories. This emotionally gripping tale of life in the Appalachians did not disappoint.







The Bookshop of Secrets by Mollie Rushmeyer
Wow! The author did a magnificent job handling tough topics with the utmost respect for her characters and an urgency to see them grow beyond what they believed defined them.








Copyright 2023, Lynn U. Watson

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