Milestones to Celebrate — 50 Then and 50 Now

Those hideous masks Dad stored with strange costumes and a Santa Suit appeared to be human faces with their eyes gouged out. When Great Aunt Laura took possession of them, they became scarier. Hiding out in the dark fruit cellar of my grandparents’ basement, she fashioned them into a couple of dummies. No one could look until she said, or until she was ready to reveal her project. I didn’t really even want to see them, but I was curious. Despite my tentative interest, I’m certain I squealed and ran the other way.

Aunt Laura proudly positioned them at a table at Grandma and Grandpa’s 50th Anniversary party. There were two. She danced with one of them.

This party was in October of 1956. Note the clothes. And yes, the party was in the garage. I didn’t crop the picture because part of the “Congratulations” message and the years are visible, written in chalk on the garage wall. Although a mere 5 years old, I remember this party well. No, the little blonde girl is not me.

One of the gifts they received, a 22-karat gold-finish teapot still has a home in my little china cabinet.

The next photo might embarrass Grandma, but it’s from that day. And the other from their wedding day. In the anniversary photo they are within a year of my and my husband’s age today.





Sixty-seven years later, my husband and I celebrate our 50th anniversary this month. A photo from our wedding day, and a recent pic of the two of us. Actually, the more recent one was taken on our 49th anniversary a year ago.









Our celebration will continue all summer. It begins with a family wedding on our actual anniversary date at the same church where we were married. (I told Jeanette and Tyler they chose the best wedding date ever.) We’ve planned a trip this summer to visit friends who’ve moved away to a place we have never been to but would love to visit. Visiting friends is the icing on the cake for this trip. And an official anniversary celebration on an unofficial date later in the summer–since our specific day is occupied.

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace. ~Ephesians 4:2-3 (NIV)

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. 
~Psalm 107:1 (NIV)

So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate. ~Matthew 19:6 (NIV)

Let the parties keep going!!!


Copyright 2023, Lynn U. Watson
50th balloon image from Pixabay


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