I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart. I will tell of all the great things You have done. ~Psalm 9:1 (NLV) How many great things has God done for you recently? Do you only count the “BIG” ones? Do you notice the “little” ones, too? Do you recognize, especially the little […]
Tag Archives | God’s Word
Our Loving God Waits for Us to Come to Him
What is one Bible verse that reminds you to trust Him more?
Milestones to Celebrate — 50 Then and 50 Now
Those hideous masks Dad stored with strange costumes and a Santa Suit appeared to be human faces with their eyes gouged out. When Great Aunt Laura took possession of them, they became scarier. Hiding out in the dark fruit cellar of my grandparents’ basement, she fashioned them into a couple of dummies. No one could […]
Bookish Valentine’s Idea for Your Love(s)
Looking for a unique idea for Valentine’s Day? We have a great one for you. It’s a bookish idea for Valentine’s Day! Authors use “pull quotes” from their books as teasers on social media and correspondence with their readers. Books expose avid readers to thousands of quotes every day. Grab your favorite quotes about LOVE. Each […]
Never to Late to Realize Your Dream
This was me as a child. I imagined myself on my little flying carpet gathering stories to write down later. But later never came. My family moved so often, that my treasured tales seemed to fly away with the wind. The teachers that encouraged my talent were left behind, and my friends were left behind, […]
D-Day and Dad’s Day
I’m writing this blog post on D-Day, 2022, the 78th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Normandy. With Father’s Day less than two weeks away, I planned a tribute to dads–mine in particular. Then went down this meandering trail. In search of family photos with my dad, I pulled this one from my stash. No, […]
His Presence Like the Sun upon My Face
Cocooned in Jesus’ arms of love anytime is the most beautiful place to be. In my author’s world, I find myself in a place of uncertainty right now, intensifying my desire to feel His presence like the sun upon my face. I love this little book of promises, and those of you who read my […]
Wearing Strength and Dignity
“Come on. Pull it tighter. I’m tough. Make it tight. Pull harder.” I remember my grandmother’s words like it was yesterday. Actually, it was 60+ years ago, and yes in the 1950’s and early 1960’s my grandmother still wore a corset. A trend she borrowed from the Victorian era. She grew up during the waning […]
Remembering: God, Family, and Inspiration
I met the girl in this photo when I was five years old. What I didn’t know then? Her story is a part of my heritage. Before my parents brought me home from the hospital, Dad started a doll collection for his little girl. He purchased a tiny porcelain doll dressed in a pink-smocked dress […]
Sunflowers Blooming through Extremes of Heat and Drought
[evp_embed_video url=”https://lynnuwatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/IMG_0814.mov” preload=”auto” autoplay=”true” muted=”true” loop=”true”] As I write this, Hurricane Ida has pummeled New Orleans and makes her way north and east. High winds and heavy rain bring a stark contrast to the baking heat the past weeks. While most of my flowers have wilted, my dwarf sunflower plant flourished. It thrived in the […]