BIG and Little Miracles! Give Thanks, and Tell the World!

I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart. I will tell of all the great things You have done. ~Psalm 9:1 (NLV)

How many great things has God done for you recently? Do you only count the “BIG” ones? Do you notice the “little” ones, too? Do you recognize, especially the little ones, as miracles from God? And do you thank Him and tell of all of them? The birds in my backyard have been very vocal telling the world of all the great things God does in their world.

Our small group is studying the Book of Acts. Peter has just raised Dorcas from the dead. Now that’s a BIG miracle. But we started talking about all God’s miracles. All the great things He does in our lives and how we so often let them go unnoticed instead of like the Psalmist, “telling of all the great things You have done.”

I’ve been reaching out about Tangled Promises to the writing and readers community, bookstores, libraries, and more. And I’ve been asking God to lead me to the best connections. I’m not sharing them just yet, but this week, I had positive responses on three of those! YES! I’m thankful and shouting!

And I’m going to shout about a couple little miracles too (that were mighty BIG in my eyes). I keep three necklaces hanging from the lampshade on my dresser (see photo). As soon as I take them off they go right back to that spot. A few weeks ago I was wearing the ‘L’ while out shopping with my granddaughter. When I arrived home, it was missing. I could not find it anywhere. It must have fallen off in a store and I would never see it again. I discovered the cross was missing, too.

Many years ago a friend introduced me to her simple prayer, “Jesus Lost and Found. Jesus Lost and Found.” I prayed and God did the rest!

A week later a container of stinky cleaning supplies leaked all over the garage floor in front of the car. There were leaves and other outdoor debris mixed in the puddle. My husband used a broom to push the mess outside. Sunlight sparkled off the stones on something, He reached down and came up with the necklace! That was a miracle! A few days later I discovered the cross in the toe of my slipper!

God doesn’t answer every prayer with a “YES”, but I love it when He does. What BIG & Little miracles has God done in your life recently? Shout them out!!!









Bird Image from Pixabay 

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