Archive | Am Writing


Changes in My Kitchen and in My Writing World

Projects just seem to take longer these days. Supply chain issues. Delivery challenges. Difficult to know what you’ll get from an online picture. So, our summer went. We started in late May and Autumn is officially just a week away. We are close to finished. Close enough, I’m sharing a few before and after photos. […]

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Sunflowers Blooming through Extremes of Heat and Drought

[evp_embed_video url=”” preload=”auto” autoplay=”true” muted=”true” loop=”true”] As I write this, Hurricane Ida has pummeled New Orleans and makes her way north and east. High winds and heavy rain bring a stark contrast to the baking heat the past weeks. While most of my flowers have wilted, my dwarf sunflower plant flourished. It thrived in the […]

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Paddling through the Waves

Two weeks ago an opportunity presented itself on my road to publication in the Christian fiction world. I’m incredibly excited, but I also light-heartedly joke about my Red Sea Revisions, as I tackle the task ahead. If I cross the sea successfully, the reward awaits. My first preparation for the trip took me to the […]

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