Leaving the Bakery, this shot was a necessary one to show our enthusiasm for their hospitality. Karen’s pointing the way!
Taking a break from it all and hitting the road, my friend Karen and I traveled to Louisiana for a women’s event this past weekend. Pausing for lunch at The Mad Baker, we discovered it really wasn’t mad at all, unless madly wonderful and delicious counts. This little gem of Vicksburg, Mississippi provided us an amazing lunch and great conversation with the ladies serving our meal.
We quickly noticed the large leaves of fresh basil and the tasty tomatoes on our panini sandwiches. Our inquiry confirmed our suspicions — these tasty plant foods were grown in their own (behind the wall) backyard garden. The season nearly over, but they shared with us that some in the area offered to help with the garden next year, to make it even more wonderful!
Obviously, their fresh “fruit” is evident to their guests. I was immediately transported to Miss Dot’s Cafe, and CB’s Coffee Cottage. I thought of the gardens surrounding it and all the delicious meals served there over the years. I was reminded of the many conversations with Gram and CB and all their friends and guests. The lessons of The Fruit of The Spirit shared by CB and her friends invites them back time and again.
The Mad Baker’s refreshing “fruit” invited some back to join them in the garden, and it invited us to return when the opportunity appears. I highly recommend The Mad Baker whenever your path leads you through Vicksburg.
Copyright 2016, Lynn U. Watson