What is one Bible verse that reminds you to trust Him more?

What is one Bible verse that reminds you to trust Him more?
Looking for a unique idea for Valentine’s Day? We have a great one for you. It’s a bookish idea for Valentine’s Day! Authors use “pull quotes” from their books as teasers on social media and correspondence with their readers. Books expose avid readers to thousands of quotes every day. Grab your favorite quotes about LOVE. Each […]
This was me as a child. I imagined myself on my little flying carpet gathering stories to write down later. But later never came. My family moved so often, that my treasured tales seemed to fly away with the wind. The teachers that encouraged my talent were left behind, and my friends were left behind, […]
Cocooned in Jesus’ arms of love anytime is the most beautiful place to be. In my author’s world, I find myself in a place of uncertainty right now, intensifying my desire to feel His presence like the sun upon my face. I love this little book of promises, and those of you who read my […]
The Eternal will fight on your behalf while you watch in silence. ~Exodus 14:14 (VOICE) I’m not a worrier by nature, but I often find it very difficult to shut down a million random thoughts that choose to twist, jitterbug, and tango through my mind all day and into the night. Does anyone else relate? […]
How I wish to quote a line from a worship song this past Sunday, but we’ll go with the gist of it instead. All of us are poor beggars, average Joes and Janes, but when we trust King Jesus as our Lord and Savior, He makes us royalty, promising us an eternal home in His […]
I met the girl in this photo when I was five years old. What I didn’t know then? Her story is a part of my heritage. Before my parents brought me home from the hospital, Dad started a doll collection for his little girl. He purchased a tiny porcelain doll dressed in a pink-smocked dress […]
Two weeks ago an opportunity presented itself on my road to publication in the Christian fiction world. I’m incredibly excited, but I also light-heartedly joke about my Red Sea Revisions, as I tackle the task ahead. If I cross the sea successfully, the reward awaits. My first preparation for the trip took me to the […]
What image does the word tangled bring to mind? Tangled hair? Tangled yarn? A spider’s web? Electrical cords? Or maybe a pack of lies? This kitten is in a tangle of branches. I hope she escapes without too many scratches. After breaking my novel into three manageable volumes, I’ve nearly completed the first one. I […]
Looking past many items in my closet in 2020 and into 2021, I reached for the super-comfy leggings and tunics time and again. My obsession with clothes quite obvious. I knew that already. I love nice things and the put together look. With few places to go the joy of shopping evaporated quickly. Uncertainty of […]