Tag Archives | goodness

coffee.EPH 5.1-2

Greet Others with the Aroma of Christ

Aromas immediately transport us to good memories – and bad ones. My grandmother baked most yummy cinnamon streusel coffee cakes every week. Definitely reminiscent of a wonderful memory, the aroma of cinnamon immediately transports me to her kitchen and the desire to spend time with her again. On the other hand, the stench of stale […]

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From “The Essence of Courage” – Cinnamon Goodness

What follows is an excerpt from Chapter 6: Cinnamon/Goodness from The Essence of Courage. Two previous devotional readings in this chapter pointed to cinnamon representing the fruit of the Spirit: Goodness. God led me to choose Eve as the woman of the Bible displaying this fruit in her life. Thank you for keeping that in […]

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Cinnamon Bread Goodness

Lynn finished the first draft of our devotional. (Yay, God!) It’s marinating for a few weeks before undergoing the editing experience. What a blessing to share so many of my stories — they are a great blend of Gram’s stories, and of lessons I’ve learned on my own life journey. Gram and I worked together […]

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