The Essence of Pomegranate in Scripture: Ruby Red Seeds of Love God is love, and God loves ruby red pomegranates! If I were the designer, I would incorporate what I love. First mentioned in Exodus, pomegranates were included in God’s design for the priest’s robe. Embroidered around the hem in blue, purple, and scarlet, […]
Archive | The Essence of Courage
How Does an Author Get Started?
Where does an author’s journey begin? How do they get their start in the world of words and books? I put pen to the beginnings of my humble journey as a contribution to my friend, Candace West Posey’s blog last October. Sunday School lesson folders from my childhood featured a colorful picture on the front depicting […]
Coloring a Spectrum of God’s Love
Let’s celebrate National Coloring Day! Friends at Cinnamah-Brosia’s Coffee Cottage love coffee and coloring pages. Go ahead. Grab your colors and coloring book, and let your creativity shine! The word color always brings to my mind a favorite Bible verse from The Message version: Matthew 5:14-16 Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be […]
Greet Others with the Aroma of Christ
Aromas immediately transport us to good memories – and bad ones. My grandmother baked most yummy cinnamon streusel coffee cakes every week. Definitely reminiscent of a wonderful memory, the aroma of cinnamon immediately transports me to her kitchen and the desire to spend time with her again. On the other hand, the stench of stale […]
From “The Essence of Courage” – Cinnamon Goodness
What follows is an excerpt from Chapter 6: Cinnamon/Goodness from The Essence of Courage. Two previous devotional readings in this chapter pointed to cinnamon representing the fruit of the Spirit: Goodness. God led me to choose Eve as the woman of the Bible displaying this fruit in her life. Thank you for keeping that in […]
Encourage Others: Share Your Stories for “The Essence of Humility”
For those who have read The Essence of Joy, you know Volume 3 in Cinnamah-Brosia’s Inspirational Collection was presented as The Essence of Love coming in 2018. Creating a list from 1 Corinthians 13 of all the things “love is,” guess what? Every one of them whispered the word “humility” into my spirit. And. . […]
Happy Thanksgiving! Just Like Cinnamah-Brosia’s Coffee Cottage
When our small group met together last week we created these adorable snowmen and enjoyed each other’s company before heading into the holiday season. One member shared with m later, “I felt like we were at C-B’s Coffee Cottage.” How sweet a sentiment, but was it really true? This friend’s health challenges keep her from […]
Our Passions: Trust God’s Best
The wee hours of this morning two seemingly disconnected thoughts ran around my mind and heart. I lamented (threw a pity-party) my newest book, The Essence of Joy, is super-slow gaining sales traction. “Forgive me God, but do you know what you’re doing?” I queried the Almighty. Opening a brand new journal these words jumped […]
It’s Cinnamah-Brosia’s Birthday… and Mother’s Day… and a BIG Surprise
Bound to happen occasionally when your birthday is May 14th, it falls on Mother’s Day. Like me you may love the day because your own children are sure to remember and shower you with unending love. Maybe like me, too, you hate the day because memories surface of the mother who was often absent and […]
“Why Do You Seek the Living Among the Dead?”
“Why do you seek the living among the dead?” the two angels asked of the women coming to His tomb with their spices, “He is not here, but He has been resurrected!” Why did they seek the living among the dead? Why do we? We look to so many lifeless substitutes for the God shaped […]