Tag Archives | Bible Study

Tablecloth embroidered by my grandmother

A Humble Background Enhances Our Acts of Love

Come Take a Sneak Peak Into The Essence of Humility . . . The Essence of Flax in the Bible Botanical Name: Linum usitatissimum; all portions of the plant used for clothing, food, and more; native to the Fertile Crescent (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Cyprus, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Egypt, southeastern Turkey and western Iran) My grandmother knew […]

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Celebrate Lit & Lynn Watson feature “The Essence of Joy” on Tour – Includes Giveaway

This exciting blog tour with Celebrate Lit, featuring “The Essence of Joy” has flown by. With two days left and an awesome joy-themed prize package at stake (see photo below). be sure to cruise around the hosting sites, and enter for your chance to win! All the info required for your “trip” is in Celebrate […]

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From “The Essence of Courage” – Cinnamon Goodness

What follows is an excerpt from Chapter 6: Cinnamon/Goodness from The Essence of Courage. Two previous devotional readings in this chapter pointed to cinnamon representing the fruit of the Spirit: Goodness. God led me to choose Eve as the woman of the Bible displaying this fruit in her life. Thank you for keeping that in […]

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The Essence of Joy on Tour This Week

My grateful heart extends a very big THANK YOU to Livy Jarmusch at Crown of Beauty Magazine for assembly this amazing blog tour for The Essence of Joy. The intinerary boasts a lineup as varied as the colors in the 64 count crayola box. Recipes, book reviews, devotions, giveaways,* and excerpts from the book. Step […]

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Get Ready: Find Your Advent Inspiration

Advent. The word provides a reminder to live in a state of anticipation, foretaste, expectancy, joy and hope. As October winds down, look around. Holiday decorations appear almost as quickly as Halloween disappears. Where’s the anticipation, the foretaste, the expectancy, the joy and hope in the waiting for Christmas Day to arrive? Most are so […]

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cup of tea with anise, cinnamon and citrus fruits winter drink, Christmas decorations

Cinnamah-Brosia and Friends Return to Inspire You Again in “The Essence of Joy”

Having talented people in the family is quite a blessing. Thank you to our son, David, for this great book trailer for The Essence of Joy. This second volume in Cinnamah-Brosia’s Inspirational Collection for Women brings her and her friends (and a few new ones, too) back together sharing more stories of their life journeys […]

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Which Woman of the Bible Celebrated Well?

“Miriam celebrated, leading the dance with tambourines after the Egyptians were drowned in the Red Sea,” suggested Jennifer. Melanie chimed in, “Elizabeth felt the baby in her tummy jump in delight when the mother of her Lord came to visit.” Lynn needed suggestions for the next volume in their inspirational collection. Women of the Bible […]

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