Tag Archives | scents


Fruits, Spices, and Christmas in July

When do you begin your Christmas shopping? Do you enjoy finding special gifts for those on your gift list? Do you dread the task? Is gift-giving just one more thing on your stressful holiday to-do list? It brings me great joy to find or create the perfect gift for each individual. I keep my eyes […]

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Version 2

Coloring a Spectrum of God’s Love

Let’s celebrate National Coloring Day! Friends at Cinnamah-Brosia’s Coffee Cottage love coffee and coloring pages. Go ahead. Grab your colors and coloring book, and let your creativity shine! The word color always brings to my mind a favorite Bible verse from The Message version: Matthew 5:14-16 Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be […]

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coffee.EPH 5.1-2

Greet Others with the Aroma of Christ

Aromas immediately transport us to good memories – and bad ones. My grandmother baked most yummy cinnamon streusel coffee cakes every week. Definitely reminiscent of a wonderful memory, the aroma of cinnamon immediately transports me to her kitchen and the desire to spend time with her again. On the other hand, the stench of stale […]

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From “The Essence of Courage” – Cinnamon Goodness

What follows is an excerpt from Chapter 6: Cinnamon/Goodness from The Essence of Courage. Two previous devotional readings in this chapter pointed to cinnamon representing the fruit of the Spirit: Goodness. God led me to choose Eve as the woman of the Bible displaying this fruit in her life. Thank you for keeping that in […]

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Digging for Essence in God’s Word

It’s the most popular form of transportation in the world. Bicycles are eco-friendly, simplistic and require relatively little maintenance. Some small towns are being revived as bicycling destinations. And I’ve just discovered a town in South Carolina that doesn’t allow motorized vehicles. We’ve located coffee shops and cafes catering to bicyclists, some providing repair services. […]

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Cinnamon Bread Goodness

Lynn finished the first draft of our devotional. (Yay, God!) It’s marinating for a few weeks before undergoing the editing experience. What a blessing to share so many of my stories — they are a great blend of Gram’s stories, and of lessons I’ve learned on my own life journey. Gram and I worked together […]

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Welcome to Our Garden

Welcome! Come on in to our garden. The gate’s unlocked, and I’m excited to welcome you. Fresh fruit seasoned with love and spicy essences fills the space. Did you catch the aromas as you were walking up? There is so much to show you here, and so many scents and flavors to discover. First, I’ll […]

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