Archive | Inspiration

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What Will I Find in “The Essence of Courage”? Part 2

Promised several days ago as a “tomorrow” post — obviously not. With some publishing modifications in place, The Essence of Courage, now resides in its new place on Amazon. It’s rankings are high in its category, and that is exciting! It means lots of you have been grabbing a copy. THANK YOU! Have you grabbed […]

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Apples and Spice

We just visited a blog titled: Rediscovering Lost Arts from Our Mothers. Isn’t that just so appropriate since Cinnamah-Brosia kept so many of her Gram’s favorite recipes for her Coffee Cottage? Check out this recipe for Apple Spice Cake with Brown Sugar Glaze. Absolutely perfect for Autumn when the apples are there freshest! This may […]

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“The Essence of Courage” Book Cover and Contest Winner Revealed

“The Essence of Courage” officially has a front cover. Thank you to everyone who participated. There were great comments about both, and lots of you liked each of them. This is the one. With a deadline date quickly approaching, we’re very excited about every big and little step completed. Thank you to everyone who joined […]

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